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We don’t know how you got here, but maybe just maybe you are looking for one of our most popular products.


Dore Power Equipment is looking for a full-time sales person to get involved in the following exciting product line up Honda, Stihl, Hustler, Davey Pumps, Generators, Pressure cleaners and much more. It is essential that you have a real interest in Power Equipment Products and a desire to work with a good team and great customers.

Qualities we are looking for;

  • Effective time management and reliability (show up every time, on time).
  • Basic level of computer & web search skills.
  • On job training will be provided.
  • If you believe you are the person to join our team then please drop your cover letter & resume to Dore Power Equipment 25 Bowen Street Roma QLD 4455 or email it to dorepower@hwy54.com.au or Ph: 07 4622 1377.